Alex, are you still following TMRC/USARE? Just curious, with the updates over the past 12 months, I believe this is coming together. Although mining may not actually commence until next year or even 2025. With USARE series D funding wrapping up this month or so, I would anticipate some announcement of an IPO/ possible purchase/merger of TMRC and USARE. What are your thoughts on this at this time?

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Hi Drei, thanks for your thoughts. i think that would be best case. USARE does (i believe) have other mining interests so not a guarantee that funding goes to round top. Generally its still very hard to imagine this mine doesn’t get done given the strategic and economic value of domestic rare earths. I do agree than an announcement, not actual mining is going to be the more important catalyst on price here.

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Alex, any new thoughts or updates here? I have heard from other investors that USARE delayed the series D funding to March timeframe, but reasons were not clear. They are exceedingly secretive…. Meanwhile, TMRC slides further lower without news from the operating partner. Potential capital call for TMRC this April. I think many of us are hoping for a merger or, at the very least, publication of the PFS. Thoughts?



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